Tips for writers of any age

  • Try to write every day. 
  • Keep what you write even if you don't love it. There might be a few lines worth keeping, or an idea to tie in at a later time. You never know!
  • Keep a pad, journal or notebook with you all the time so you can always capture ideas when you have them
  • If you get stuck, pick up a favorite book and read. A single word, the voice or images that come to mind can trigger ideas for your own writing
  • Keep a thesaurus close by so you don't overuse words. Don't go overboard. Be sure the words you choose are true to your own voice and that of your character's
  • Have a goal in mind when you sit down to write. Are you writing to get the story down for the first time? Are you enhancing your story with descriptive language, dialogue, action or suspense? Are you editing?  Don't try to do it all at a once!

Resources for Children’s Book Writers

Society for Children’s Book Writers and    International professional organization for writers and illustrators of children’s literature

Children’s Writers and Illustrators Market – The most helpful resource book for those trying to get published. Updated annually and provides lists of agents, publishers and editors within each publishing house so you can find the one that’s right for your book.

The Book an essential guide for children’s book publishing - available through

Children’s Writers Word Book by Alijandra Mogilner,  This invaluable book helps ensure that you use age-appropriate vocabulary in your writing

Publisher’s Market Place – join for low monthly fee to track daily publishing deals, sales, reviews, agents, editors etc.

Writer’s Digest -

Publisher’s Weekly – subscription magazine or free email newsletter on children’s                                                 publishing

JacketFlap – is an educational resource that connects you to the work of more than 200,000 authors, illustrators, publishers and other creators of books for Children and Young Adults

Harold  Writing, Illustrating, Publishing Children’s Books: The Purple Crayon

Nathan Bransford -  Former literary agent turned author provides excellent information and insights for writers who "want to follow their dreams."

Kathy Temean – shares info for writers and illustrators of children’s books 

Highlights Foundation Writing Retreats

Kindling Words  - a retreat for writers and illustrators

Whispering Pines – writer’s retreat


Books about writing for writers, by writers

 On Writing, by Stephen King

Take Joy – A Book for Writers, by Jane Yolen 

Writer to Writer – Gail Carson Levine

Writing Magic – Gail Carson Levine